Jurassic Park Institute Wiki

Dromaeosaurines are dinosaurs in the subfamily Dromaeosaurinae of the theropod group Dromaeosauridae. The earliest dromaeosaurine is Utahraptor, dating back to the Early Cretaceous period in North America, however, some isolated teeth seems to represent an indeterminate species of dromaeosaurine, coming from the Late Jurassic period in Africa. If true, this will push their range to the Jurassic period, instead of the Cretaceous, as in most dromaeosaurs.

Most dromaeosaurs are small carnivores, however, dromaeosaurines are represented by some of the largest species (Achillobator, Dakotaraptor, Utahraptor). So far, Dakotaraptoris the only dromaeosaurine with evidence of quill knobs, indicating a plumage; based on this, other members likely had them.

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